


These are the terms and conditions that apply to any Park within the GreenAcres Group, for the purchase of a plot for the burial of a deceased person or the interment of cremated remains (herein after called “ashes”), or of the right to scatter ashes (herein together called “interment activities”). 

These terms supersede and override any other terms and conditions which are implied by law, trade custom, practice and/or course of dealing. For the avoidance of doubt, the terms and conditions referred to in Section E below form part of these terms and conditions as appropriate. 



In these terms and conditions “we”, “us”, or “our” refers (in the case of interment activities at GreenAcres Chiltern Park, GreenAcres Colney Park, GreenAcres Epping Park, GreenAcres Heatherley Park, or GreenAcres Rainford Park) to GreenAcres Group Limited and (in the case of interment activities at GreenAcres Kemnal Park or Eternal Gardens South London (each a “Park”)) to GreenAcres Kemnal Park Limited each of whom has their registered office at Empire House, 175 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9EN; and “you”, “your”, and “yours” refers to you, the customer who has purchased burial rights at one of the Parks.  

You can contact us by writing to us at the registered office address above. Alternatively, we can be contacted by email at info@greenacresgroup.co.uk. 

You can find out more information on our website greenacresgroup.co.uk (the “Website”), and eternalgardens.org.uk.   



Our Parks have been designed for interment activities, and other ceremonial services, which may include weddings. 

You may apply to purchase either a plot for burial or interment of ashes, or a facility for the scattering of ashes on either a pre-need or an at-need basis. Pre-need purchases are those made in advance of the person’s death. At-need purchases are those made after the person has died. 

We are responsible for (i) the management of all interment activities at our Parks and providing services ancillary to interment activities; (ii) the management of weddings and other ceremonial services at our Parks; and (iii) the ongoing upkeep of all Parks and maintenance of burial plots to ensure the long-term well-being and development of our Parks. 

For the avoidance of doubt, you may not request the consecration of any part of our Parks. However, individual graves may be blessed. 



We have established a trust called The GreenAcres Trust comprising a burial fund and a maintenance fund for each of our Parks (the “Trust”). The Trust is governed by a trust deed that outlines the obligations owed by the parties and contains a power of amendment that we may use provided always that any such amendments are in line with the original aims and intentions of the Trust. 

We will transfer funds (including those already received from existing customers) to the Trust, as follows: (i) in the case of a pre-need purchase we will direct that part of the purchase price paid by you to us is to be paid to the Trust and is held as part of the burial fund to meet the future costs that are expected to be incurred by us as and when the need for the plot arises; and we will direct that part of the purchase price paid by you to us to be paid to the Trust and is held as part of the maintenance fund relevant to your purchase to ensure the long-term up-keep of that Park; and (ii) in the case of an at-need purchase we will direct that part of the purchase price paid by you to us is to be paid to the Trust and is held as part of the maintenance fund relevant to your purchase to ensure the long-term up-keep of that Park. 

In the extremely unlikely event of there being a surplus in a maintenance fund beyond what is needed to maintain the park to which it relates the surplus will be used to maintain another one of our parks or paid to charity. 

We have entered into a Deed of Covenant with the trustees of the Trust, which binds us to observe and perform the obligations placed upon us by these terms and conditions (including the obligation to transfer funds to the Trust as outlined above). 



These terms and conditions incorporate the Park Specific Terms and Conditions (below) and also (i) any Certificate issued by us; (ii)These terms and conditions incorporate the Park Specific Terms and Conditions attached overleaf and also (i) any Certificate issued by us; (ii)the Park Regulations; (iii) our Privacy Policy; (iv) if applicable, our Venue Hire Booking Form and Terms and Conditions (v) Instalment Plan Terms and Conditions (see section K below). 



We may amend these terms from time to time at our sole discretion and without notice and the terms and conditions that are in force are those displayed on our website. 

These terms were updated on 1 August 2024 to (i) specify that there are rights and obligations owed between us and the Trustees in relation to your purchase; (ii) specify that any trusts which have previously been established to hold part of the payments made by our customers (the “Existing Trusts”) will be wound up and the assets subject to them transferred to the Trust; (iii) specify that the Trust deed contains a power of amendment; and iv) update Park Specific Information. 

For the avoidance of doubt, the changes made to this document and the Trust structure itself will not affect any of the rights of or obligations owed to existing customers. 



You may apply to us to purchase interment activities on either a pre-need or an at-need basis. 

Our acceptance of your application will take place when we confirm that we are able to provide you with the requested interment activities and send you an invoice in accordance with section J of these terms. 

Upon payment of the invoice, we will in the case of burial rights, or an interment of ashes purchase issue you with a Grant of Burial Rights Certificate (a “Certificate”). The contract between us commences on the date on the Certificate or the date of the invoice, whichever is the later. 

If we are unable to accept your application, we will inform you of this and will not charge you for the services. We may at our sole discretion reject any application for any reason and we shall not be under any obligation to give the reason(s) for any rejection. 

Purchase of a burial or interment of ashes plot 

Where you successfully apply to purchase a plot for burial or interment of ashes the Grant of Burial Rights Certificate grants you the exclusive rights to a plot at the Park, as further detailed in that document.  

For the avoidance of doubt, this grant only applies to the specific plot specified in the Grant of Burial Rights Certificate. The grant of burial rights is not the grant, transfer, or sale of an interest in land. 

The date on which your burial rights expire can be found in the document entitled Grants of Right of Burial. 


Purchase of a facility to scatter ashes 

Where you successfully apply for a facility to scatter ashes in the Park, this does not grant or confer on you any interest in land or other property rights. You acknowledge and agree that we may grant rights to allow other individuals to scatter ashes in the same area. 

The date on which your right to scatter remains expires can be found in the document entitled Grants of Right of Burial. 


Purchases made using third party finance 

In the event that you purchase interment activities from us and finance the whole or part of the cost of such a purchase by entering into any form of financing agreement with a third party finance provider (the Finance Provider) then if you within 14 days of entering into the contract with the Finance Provider (i) exercise your right to inter remains or scatter ashes (as the case may be) at one of our Parks; and (ii) cancel your contract with the Finance Provider then you shall be liable forthwith to pay to us an amount equal to any reimbursement made or required to be made by us to the Finance Provider in connection with your purchase. For the avoidance of doubt, any cancelation of a contract between you and a Finance Provider shall not cause your contract with us to terminate. 


Right to request changes 

You may apply to extend the burial rights period. If your application is approved, upon payment of the relevant fee, we will issue an updated Certificate. 

We will seek to contact you on the fifth anniversary prior to the expiry of your exclusive rights to offer an extension of those rights. You may accept or decline this offer at your sole discretion. If we are unable to contact you or if you do not extend your burial rights period, your burial rights will expire as scheduled. 

After the expiry of the period of exclusive burial rights, neither the original grantee of the rights nor anyone to whom the rights may have been transferred shall have any rights in relation to the plot. The Company reserves the right to remove any memorial on a grave where the exclusive rights of burial have expired and after three months to use or dispose of the memorial in any manner. 



The applicant of a pre-purchased plot is granted the Exclusive Right of Burial in the designated plot for a specified period, as stated in the agreement. Ownership of the plot itself remains with GreenAcres Living Memorial Parks, and the applicant has only the right to use the plot for burial purposes. 

The burial rights are typically non-transferable except by express written consent from the plot owner. The rights may be assigned to a third party, subject to approval and payment of applicable fees. 

Transfer of the Grant is not permitted unless a Transfer of Ownership form has been completed and submitted to the Manager together with the administration fee applicable at that time. It is your responsibility to inform the Manager of any change of address or other contact details of the Grantee. 

Interments cannot take place in the plot until full payment has been received. The applicant may cancel the agreement prior to any interment, subject to GreenAcres Living Memorial Parks cancellation policy. Refunds may be provided, minus any administration fees. 

The lease period will commence on the first date of the burial in the grave space.



The Certificate gives you the exclusive right to a plot at one of our Parks. The plot may be used for your own interment and/or that of a person nominated by you (a “Named Person”). You may change a Named Person at any time before the plot has been used by notifying us in writing. 

Where there is any conflict between your wishes and those of a Named Person in respect of the plot, your wishes shall prevail.  

For the avoidance of doubt, we will be entitled to act upon the latest documentation issued by ourselves. In the case of any dispute as to the person named as the customer on the latest documentation, our records shall be conclusive. 



You must ensure your personal details (including next of kin details) are up to date and inform us of any change of address or other contact details, and of any intention to transfer ownership of the rights granted in the Certificate. 

You must pay the full purchase price as set out in the Certificate, and otherwise in accordance with section J of these terms. 



The price is the price set out on your invoice. The price includes amounts in respect of value added tax where applicable. The prices charged are set out in our price list, which is available to download from our website or from our Parks. 

We will invoice you on or within five days of the acceptance of your application. 

You shall pay the invoice in full within 14 days of the date of the invoice. For the avoidance of doubt, payments relating to the purchase of an at-need plot must be received in full at least five days before the date of a scheduled burial/interment. 

If you do not make any payment to us in full within 14 days of the date of the invoice, we may charge interest to you on the overdue amount at the rate of 4% a year above the base lending rate of Lloyds Bank plc from time to time. This interest shall accrue on a daily basis from the due date until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount, whether before or after judgment. You must pay us interest together with any overdue amount.  

We will reserve the plot chosen by you for a period of 14 days from the date on the invoice we send to you in relation to the plot. If you do not pay this invoice within 14 days of its date, then we reserve the right to allocate that plot to another customer and we cannot then guarantee that the plot will remain available for you. 

You may cancel your purchase at any time prior to the first burial/interment or scattering of ashes and receive a refund of payments already made to us. Any such cancellation must be made by you in writing, with the applicant’s bank details. If a request to cancel is received more than 30 days after the date on your invoice, we will deduct an administration fee of £500, or 50% of the plot price, whichever is the lower sum, from the amount to be refunded. All refunds due will be made within 45 days after the cancellation notice is received (up to 45 days is needed to process refunds due to Trust administration procedures) to the applicant via bank transfer.  

If the plot has been used for a burial, ash interment or scattering no refund is permitted. The re-sell of any GreenAcres plot is not permitted. Space within a plot can be transferred to another person via an official Statutory Declaration submitted to the Park Manager.  

To do this the original applicant will be required to apply through written consent and to bring photo ID into the Park, along with photo ID of the new applicant to whom the ownership is being transferred to.    

In the event that the original plot owner has died the Grant of Rights of Burial along with a letter of intent, or Will is required to legally transfer the ownership to another person.  

Any change of ownership is subject to administration fee applicable at the time. We reserve the right to refuse the transfer. 

If your purchase of interment activities is financed through Funeral Safe, then any refund will be processed through them. If you fail to pay amounts due from you to Funeral Safe and Funeral Safe asks us to terminate our contract with you, we reserve the right to do this without consultation with or notice to you and any rights granted by us to you for interment activities will terminate at the same time. 



You may be offered the option to pay for a pre-need plot over a 10-month period, interest free. If you are offered this option, you will be required: 

  1. to pay at the point of purchase a deposit at point of sale of 20% of the full amount of the burial plot; and (ii) to pay the balance of 80% of the full amount of the burial plot in nine equal monthly instalments over the subsequent nine months. 

The instalment payments will need to be made by direct debit on the same date each month and accordingly you will need to set up a direct debit at the point of purchase specifying the date on which the payment is to be taken each month. If you are unable or unwilling to set up a direct debit at the point of purchase, you will not be eligible to pay in instalments and will need to pay for the full amount of the burial plot at the point of purchase. 

If a direct debit request presented by us to your bank for a legitimate instalment payment is refused by your bank, then we will represent the direct debit payment request on or around seven days after the initial presentation. If this re-presented direct debit payment request is rejected by your bank, then we will adjust the remaining months’ payment amounts so that the balance due is collected in equal instalments over those remaining months and we will notify you of the revised payment amounts. This procedure may be applied to more than one failed direct debit. If the final direct debit payment due is refused by your bank, then we will represent this direct debit payment request on or around seven days after the initial presentation. If this re-presented direct debit payment request is rejected by your bank, then we will notify you and you will be required to pay the full outstanding balance to us within 14 days. If you fail to pay this amount, then we will refund you all monies paid to date by you in relation to the burial plot less an administrative fee of £500. 

You may pay any outstanding balance in full at any point during the instalment period in which case: (i) your rights to the burial plot will commence on us receiving the said payment; and (ii) we will cancel your direct debit. In the event that a direct debit payment is taken by us after you have paid the outstanding balance, then we will refund the amount overpaid to you within 14 days. 

Time is of the essence with regard to the payment of instalment payments. 

For the avoidance of doubt, no burial rights will commence in relation to a burial plot until the amount payable for that lot has been received by us in full. 

We reserve the right to determine whether, or not to offer you the option to pay in instalments at the point of purchase and we shall not be obligated to offer this option to any customer, regardless of whether, or not they may have been offered this option on another occasion. 



To arrange a burial or interment of ashes you (or your personal representatives where relevant) must in relation to the person to be interred provide us with (i) a Notice of Interment form; (ii) a valid Death Certificate; and (iii) a Registrar’s Certificate of Burial and Cremation or a Coroner’s Order for Burial. If you do not provide us with all of the items listed above at least two days prior to the scheduled burial or interment the burial or interment shall not take place. 

For burial purposes all new plots are prepared for coffins of no more than 32” in width and are dug to double depth wherever possible. All coffins (i.e., the materials used and the size) must comply with the specifications set out in the Park Specific Information. We may refuse to bury any coffin that does not comply with these specifications. If a coffin exceeds a width of 32” it may not be possible to use the plot purchased and it may then be necessary to relocate the grave to a different location or to offer you the adjacent plot, both of which may incur additional fees to you. If there are no alternative graves available, you may request a refund of the purchase price. 

We will cooperate with, and provide reasonable assistance to, any funeral director, officiant or individual arranging or providing any funeral service or other similar service. 

Graves, vaults and mausoleums may only be provided and prepared by us or our nominated agents. 

If mourners wish to backfill a grave, advance notice of this should be given to the Administration Office on the Notice of Interment Form. 



Under the Burial Act 1857, once a person has been buried it is unlawful to disturb or remove the human remains without lawful authority. You need to apply for a licence from the Ministry of Justice to remove human remains from the ground.    

The exhumation process is governed by strict regulations to ensure respect for the deceased and compliance with legal requirements.  

Exhumations can only be carried out and arranged by the Burial Authority (GreenAcres team). It is the responsibility of the registered holder of the burial plot to contact GreenAcres in the first instance.   

The plot owner will be responsible for completing the Ministry of Justice application form. The Burial Authority (GreenAcres) will be responsible for the submission of the application form to the Ministry of Justice in order to obtain an exhumation licence.  



We reserve the right to approve the type of memorial or marker that can be used to identify the plot. Words, considered to be offensive are not permitted on memorials. Our Grounds Team will have the right to remove any offending memorials. 

The Rights of Burial Certificate contains the further terms and conditions about memorials applicable to each Park and type of plot.  

We reserve the right to remove any item that we consider unsuitable, unstable, or dilapidated from any grave or memorial without notice. No compensation of any sort will be payable by us for any such removal or disposal. 

We may from time to time remove plants, cut flowers, wreaths, or other such items in the interests of maintaining the Parks to the highest standards. 

We do not accept responsibility for any damage to memorials at the Park. Only one memorial marker is permitted per plot. The maintenance of the memorial is your responsibility. 

When a grave is excavated, it may be necessary to temporarily remove one or more memorials of adjacent grave(s) to enable access to the grave. In such circumstances, the affected memorial(s) will be replaced immediately following the funeral. Biodegradable Christmas wreaths which are placed on graves will be removed by us by the end of the first week of January. 

A permit fee is required for Lawn Graves, Full Memorials, and Mausoleums in a Private Garden. Bespoke wooden memorials will incur an additional permit fee, prior to the installation date and must meet the approval guidelines specified. 



The maintenance of each Park, including the cutting of all grass areas and the excavation of graves is our responsibility and may only be undertaken by us or our contractors. We reserve the right to access all areas of the Parks to undertake maintenance and grave digging operations including areas in which you have burial rights. 

Following a burial, the grave will be backfilled, and any floral tributes will be placed carefully over the grave. All floral tributes including plastic bases and ‘oasis’, will be removed and disposed of by us five days after the funeral or when they have weathered, whichever is earlier. Any tribute cards left on the grave will also be disposed of at this point. 

Following each burial in an earth grave, the ground will settle over a period of months. We will routinely top up the level of any grave that sinks in this way. 

We are not responsible for the damage of floral tributes due to the wildlife at any of the Parks. 

We are not liable for any damage caused to a memorial or vase by a tree or branch that has fallen due to causes beyond our control, or decay not visible from the ground, or the wildlife. 



If we accept your application and you have paid the purchase price in full, we will issue you with the Certificate. Please keep this in a safe place. 

We will keep your arrangements confidential at all times, except as we deem necessary for the proper performance administration and monitoring of the purchase arrangements or to the extent that you have agreed, or as required by law. In performing our obligations under the contract between us, we will comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, and codes from time to time in force. 

In performing our obligations under the contract between us, we will cooperate with the Police, Coroner, and all other relevant official bodies in relation to the services provided at our Parks. 



If additional goods or services are requested in addition to those forming part of the interment services, for example additional services relating to the placing of a memorial, these may be subject to additional charges which we will agree with you before providing such services. 



In order to excavate or gain access to a grave, it may be necessary to temporarily place plant, equipment, and excavated materials on top of adjacent graves. The period during which this may be necessary will be kept to a minimum. Once the burial has been completed, the grave will be backfilled, and the surface of any adjacent grave affected by the works will be made good. 

When a grave is excavated for a second or subsequent burial, it may be necessary to remove the memorial upon the grave to enable safe excavation. 

It is the responsibility of the registered holder of the exclusive burial rights in the grave to arrange for the memorial to be removed and replaced upon the grave after a suitable period has elapsed to allow for the settlement of the backfilled ground. 

In the unlikely event that we are asked or need to exhume buried remains, we will follow all applicable laws and regulations. An administration fee will be applied. You should contact the park manager for details of this if applicable. 



Funerals may take place on Mondays to Saturdays and by arrangement on Sundays. Burials may only take place during daylight hours, leaving sufficient daylight time for our staff to backfill each grave. 



We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy. A copy of our Privacy Policy can be found on our website. 

For the avoidance of doubt, we are required by law to keep records that inform as part of our obligation to maintain accurate registers of burials and interments of ashes, and these may include certain personal information relating to you. 



We shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise for any direct or indirect loss suffered by you howsoever arising. In no event will our liability for any loss or damage exceed the total amount paid by you to us. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or restrict either party’s liability in respect of death or personal injury resulting from its negligence, for fraudulent misrepresentation or for defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987. 



The documents forming the contract with you (these terms, your Certificate, the Park Specific Information and where applicable Venue Booking Form and Terms and Conditions) constitute the entire agreement between you and us and no other terms, representations or otherwise apply. 

We are not liable to you for any delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of our obligations under these terms if such delay or failure results from (i) your failure to perform any of your obligations under these terms; or (ii) an event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control. 

No one other than a party to this agreement and their permitted assignees shall have any right to enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. 

All notices to be given or served under these terms or in respect of the plot purchase should be sent to the relevant party at the address set out in the Certificate. 

These terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales, and you agree that the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the purposes of enforcing these terms. 



Opening hours vary across the Group. To avoid doubt, refer to the website www.greenacresgroup.co.uk for detailed information.



This appendix is supplemental to the terms and conditions above. Defined terms used in the terms and conditions have the same meaning when used in this Appendix. 



The parks listed below are held on a leasehold basis, as such we cannot control the use or running of those Parks after the expiry of our interest in the land. As such (i) your burial rights and/or rights to scatter ashes will expire on the Expiry Date listed below; and (ii) the park will operate as a burial area until the relevant Expiry Date specified below, but no new burials or ash scatterings may take place after the Last Burial date. 

Park Name   Last Burial   Expiry Date

We are seeking to agree new leases and in certain cases to buy the freehold interest in the land. We will inform customers of extensions to the above deadlines when these are in place. 

The maximum lease period for burial, or ash interment plots at all Parks, including Kemnal Park and Colney Park is 99 years. 



We reserve the right to remove any item that we consider unsuitable, unstable or dilapidated from any grave or memorial without notice. No compensation of any sort will be payable by us in respect of any such removal or disposal. 

No memorial may be erected, or alteration made to a memorial, without the written consent of the registered owner of the exclusive burial rights. Memorials may only be installed by a National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) or a British Register of Accredited Memorial Masons (BRAMM) qualified workman. 

Only one vase and memorial are permitted per plot. 

The following items are not permitted to be placed anywhere at any of our parks: 

  • Wind chimes, windmills, tinsels 
  • Artificial flowers 
  • Flags, clothing, toys or balloons 
  • Lights, candles, Chinese lanterns 
  • Photos (with or without frames) 
  • Any kind of fencing 
  • Anything made of glass, ceramic, or metal 
  • Ornaments including statues 
  • Alcohol or alcohol containers 
  • Hazardous items & sharp objects such as gardening tools, scissors etc. 
  • Anything flammable 
  • Astro turf 


Coffins and caskets 

The type of coffin or casket that will be accepted for burial at GreenAcres Kemnal Park must be considered by us to be appropriate for the type of burial that is taking place. Specifically, coffins that are zinc lined, lead lined, or constructed from or lined with steel or any other kind of heavy metal are not permitted except where the coffin does not touch the earth such as a mausoleum. There are also maximum dimensions allowable for coffins and caskets in all graves and you should check these with the Park before ordering your coffin or casket. 



We reserve the right to remove any item that we consider unsuitable, unstable, or dilapidated from any grave or memorial without notice. No organic or inorganic boundary markers may be placed around the plot, and we reserve the right to remove these without notice. No compensation of any sort will be payable by the Company for such removal or disposal. 

Memorials must conform to the relevant standards set by NAMM or BRAMM (which relate to design, size, and methods of fixing) for each type of grave. 

Subject to the type of grave selected, it may be necessary to allow a period of 12 months to elapse after the burial has taken place before a memorial can be erected upon a grave.  

The full details of each proposed memorial, inscription or other identifying feature must be submitted to the Company using the Memorial Application Form. No memorial may be erected without our prior written approval. The grave reference must be inscribed on the rear of each memorial. No other inscription can be on the rear of the memorial. 

Memorials placed pursuant to a Memorial Permit issued by us must comply with any conditions specified in that Memorial Permit. 

We have the right to remove and dispose of any memorial (i) that is erected without our prior written approval; (ii) that does not conform to the relevant criteria for that type of memorial as specified; (iii) that has an inscription or identifying feature that was not approved in writing by us prior to its installation; and/or (iv) when the time period relating to that memorial comes to an end.  

Prior to exercising this right, we will give one month’s written notice of the intention to do so to the registered holder of the relevant Licence at their last known address.   

Following removal, we will retain the memorial for three months only, pending collection by the person(s) entitled to it, after which if unclaimed it will be disposed of by us in such manner as we think fit and no compensation of any sort will be payable by us for such removal or disposal. 

Subject to the specific terms and conditions for the grave concerned, the owner of the exclusive burial rights in a grave may plant and cultivate suitable, low-growing plants or place cut flowers within a specified area of the grave. 


Burial Options 

Lawn Grave 

A Lawn Grave is a grave space where the surface area consists of mown grass, with a small area at the head end of the grave designated for the erection of a memorial. The surface of the grave is maintained level and free from any obstructions or markings.   

All Lawn Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of two coffins, one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. Half plot graves are available in the lawn area to accommodate four sets of ashes. This grave is half the length of a full grave.  

Each area is designated either White Marble or Black Granite vertical headstones with either a black, silver, white or gold inscription. When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. 

The number of coffin or ashes burials that may take place in a Lawn Grave is subject to our prior approval. An interment fee will apply for each interment at the rates applicable at that time. 

We are responsible for the turfing and maintenance of Lawn Graves. At the head end of each grave space, an area for the erection of an approved memorial is provided. The remaining space over the grave is maintained as grass lawn and no mounding, edging, memorial, or other items are permitted on it or allowed to interfere with it. 

Any memorial erected on a Lawn Grave must comply with the following standard dimensions: height 3ft, width, 2.5ft, depth 3 inches with a foundation stone of no more than 2ft in length. 

All memorials must comply with the designated colour and stone within the chosen section. 


Traditional Grave 

A Traditional Grave is a grave space where it is possible to have a traditional, kerbed memorial covering the grave. A headstone or similar memorial is permitted at one end of the grave, leaving the remainder of the grave either fitted with a cover stone, or as a lawned area. 

Traditional graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of two coffins, one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. Half plot graves are available in the traditional area to accommodate four sets of ashes and are half the length of a full grave.  

The number of coffin or ashes burials that may take place in a Traditional Grave is subject to our prior approval. An interment fee will apply for each burial at the rates applicable at that time. 

Any memorial erected on a Traditional Grave must comply with the following dimensions and be NAAM or BRAAM accredited: height 3.5ft, width, 2.5ft, depth 3 inches with kerb stone of no more than 6.5ft in length and 2.5ft in width. 

An area for bedding plants may be maintained, either in addition to or in place of, a memorial but the total area occupied by the planted area and memorial must comply with the following maximum above dimensions relevant to the kerb stone. 


Park Trees 

Park Trees can either be shared with other families or designated for one family. Please speak to the park team to discuss these options. 

A Park Tree Grave comprises a plot for the burial of ashes. Each Park Tree Grave space measures 1.5ft x 1.5ft and is designed to provide sufficient space for the burial of two sets of ashes (double depth) and a memorial plaque. 

In the case of the tree being designated for one family, further caskets of ashes can be interred beneath the same tree, but there can only be one marker to commemorate the graves. Ashes may also be scattered by plot holders, in the ground, subject to prior consent being obtained from the us. 


Leaf Vault 

A Leaf Vault Memorial is a unique detached and separate memorial for the placing of two sets of ashes.  

Included in the cost is a Rainbow Sandstone vase plus a black leaf design marker with inscription in gold. The first 50 characters on the first inscription are included in the price. Further letters will incur a charge. Each memorial can accommodate two inscriptions. Prices for inscriptions are available upon request. 

Leaf Vault Memorials are designed for the burial of ashes in cylindrical ash urns only. Ashes may be scattered loose in the ground subject to prior consent being granted by us. 


Rose Garden 

A Rose Garden Grave comprises a grave for the burial of ashes and is located in the Rose Garden area(s). Each Rose Garden Grave space measures 1.5ft x 1.5ft and is designed to provide sufficient space for the burial of two sets of ashes and a memorial plaque (material subject to park).   


Mature Woodland Grave 

A Woodland Grave is a grave space where the surface area remains in a natural state and is maintained level and free from any obstructions or markings. 

 All Woodland Graves are excavated to accommodate the burial of two coffins, one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. 

 Each Woodland Grave space measures 6.5ft x 2.5ft and is located in a woodland setting. When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. 

Memorials must be made of wood and sized within our guidelines. One memorial is permitted per grave. No other memorial may be erected or left on a woodland grave; the only exception is cut flowers or natural plants in keeping with the natural environment. Bespoke memorials will be subject to a post permit fee. 


Gallantry Grave 

In its finished state the Gallantry Grave area will be flattened and returned to the pristine lawned status that existed before the grave was dug. A simple granite plaque will be laid flat at the head of the grave and no other grave markers are permitted. Whilst the ground is settling, graves are marked with a flat wooden grave marker plaque.  

A black granite plaque may be purchased. The black granite plaque shall have gold engraving and must measure 18”x 12” x 2” (length x width x depth). Only fresh flowers may be laid flat on a Gallantry Grave. 

Gallantry Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of two coffins, one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. 


Columbarium Tower 

The Columbarium niche is designed for the interment of two sets of ashes comprising of an architectural limestone and granite decorative base plinth set on a concrete foundation, a precast concrete interment cell super structure, and a polished granite front plate.  

The Columbarium niches are arranged in rows and columns in a tower. The granite or sandstone tablet will be removed to enable the placement of an ashes casket. 

Two interments are included in the purchase of a Columbarium niche. 

The granite tablet will be inscribed with the details of the deceased, inscription for the second interment will incur a fee. Details of this fee are available on request.  

We are responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the Columbarium Tower and niches. Customers are not permitted to clean any part of the tower or the niches themselves. No cleaning products or abrasives are allowed to be used on the memorial plaque or the Columbarium itself. 


Living Memorial Tree 

A Living Memorial Tree grave is a sapling tree. 

A Living Memorial Tree is a detached separate grave for two burials or three sets of ashes. The first set of ashes is scattered under the root ball of the sapling tree and up to two further sets may be scattered around the tree at a subsequent date. 

For burial a Living Memorial Tree space measures 8.5ft x 2.5ft. The tree itself is planted 12 months after the first interment has taken place. 

For ashes a Living Memorial Tree space measures 2.5ft x 2.5ft  

Living Memorial Trees are located in a Woodland, Meadow, Orchard or Lawn setting. Included in the cost is a Living Memorial Tree and the first interment.  

Subsequent burials and scatterings will be charged at the rates prevailing at the time. 


Family Tree 

A Family Tree is an established tree in a distinct area of the Park. Each Family Tree has the potential for multiple graves for burial and ashes. 

Each Family Tree grave space measures 6.5ft x 2.5 ft and is located in a woodland or meadowland setting. When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. A single memorial post may be erected on each grave around a Family Tree. 

Included in the cost is a Family Tree, the first interment and the agreed number of plots. Subsequent interments will be charged at the rates prevailing at the time. 


Shared Tree (Woodland or Park Tree)

A Shared Tree is a tree in the Park. Each Shared Tree has the potential for multiple graves for burial and ashes.  

Each Shared Tree space measures 6.5ft by 2.5ft and is located in a woodland or meadowland setting. When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. 

A single memorial post may be erected on each grave around a Shared Tree. 


Private Garden  

A Private Garden is a space enclosed within a gated hedge where it is possible to have a bespoke memorial within a landscaped area. 

All Private Garden graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of two coffins, one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. 

Each Private Garden space measures 13ft x 8ft for two interments and 13ft x 13ft for four interments and is located in a row of other Private Garden graves in a formal area. When a coffin is buried, the chosen grave will have walls of undisturbed earth between it and any other grave within the Private Garden.  

The number of coffin or ashes burials that may take place in a Private Garden grave is subject to our prior approval. The first interment is included in the price. Fees will apply for any subsequent burials in the Private Garden at the rates applicable at that time. Details of these are available on request. 

Any memorial erected on a Private Garden must comply with the following standard dimensions: 5ft x 3ft (h x w), with a kerbing length of 7ft. 

Any planting in a Private Garden must not exceed 5ft in height once fully grown. We may remove or cut back any planting that exceeds this limit. Any Garden found to have broken this condition will have the planting removed. 

The maintenance of any planted area on the grave is the responsibility of the owner of the burial rights. We reserve the right to remove any plants and to turf over any planted area that appears to be overgrown. Astro turf is not permitted within any GreenAcres Living Memorial Park. 


Private Waterside, or Woodland Garden 

A Private Waterside/Woodland Garden is a space enclosed within a gated hedge where it is possible to have up to six ashes and a bespoke memorial within a landscaped area. 

Each Private Garden Space measures 6ft x 6ft and is located in a row of other Private Gardens in a formal area around the waterside. 

The number of ashes burials that may take place in a Private Waterside / Woodland Garden grave is subject to our prior approval. Fees will apply for any burials in the Private Garden at the rates applicable at that time. Details of these are available on request. 

Waterside gardens are designed for the burial of ashes in a wooden casket or other approved containers only. Ashes can be scattered loose in the ground subject to prior consent being granted by us. 

Any memorial erected on a Waterside Private Garden must comply with the standard dimensions and materials designated for that area. Details of these are available on request. 

The permit fee will apply for the second installation of the memorial; the cost will be at the rate applicable at the time. 

Planting which is likely exceed 2ft once fully grown and/or items made of glass are not permitted in the garden. We may remove or cut back any planting that exceed this limit. 

Any planting in a Private Waterside or Woodland Garden must not exceed 2ft in height once fully grown. We may remove or cut back any planting that exceeds this limit. Any Garden found to have broken this condition will have the planting removed. 

The maintenance of any planted area on the grave is the responsibility of the owner of the burial rights. We reserve the right to remove any plants and to turf over any planted area that appears to be overgrown. Astro turf is not permitted within any GreenAcres Living Memorial Park. 

Any items made of glass are not permitted in a Private Garden. 

No alterations may be made to the bespoke gates for each of our gardens; each gate will be supplied with a wooden plaque. 

The maintenance of any planted area on the grave is the responsibility of the owner of the burial rights relating to that area. We reserve the right to remove any plants from and to woodchip over any planted area that appears to be overgrown. 


Mausoleum Niche 

Family mausoleum for one interment comprising of an architectural limestone decorative base plinth set on a concrete foundation, a precast concrete interment cell super-structure, a decorative limestone roof stanchions, slate effect roof panels, timber and stainless-steel corner columns, timber cladding to rear, stone cladding to sides, polished granite tablets, polished granite front plate, and stainless-steel spires. 

Each Mausoleum measures 10ft x 10ft and is located in a row of other Mausoleums in a formal area. When a coffin is interred, the granite tablet will be removed, and an appropriate inscription added at the cost of the family at the prevailing rates at that time. 

The number of coffin or ashes burials that may take place in a Mausoleum is subject to our prior approval. 

Each Mausoleum can accommodate a maximum of one coffin. The first interment is included in the purchase of the Mausoleum if purchased at the time of need. For ‘Planning for the Future’ purchases, and subsequent interments, there will be a fee at the rate applicable for the time. 

The size of each individual coffin / casket is not to exceed the maximum internal dimensions of the spaces available 29 inches wide, 25 inches high, 7ft 7 inches in length, inclusive of handles and any adornments. 

In preparation for an interment the fascia is removed from the Mausoleum. After the interment, the Mausoleum is sealed, and the fascia replaced. 

Alterations may not be made to the Mausoleum, without the written consent from both the registered owner of the burial rights in relation to that Mausoleum and us. 

Apart from the approved Mausoleum memorial, no form of edging, kerbing, or fencing is permitted on or around the Mausoleum. 

The Mausoleum will be maintained by us or our agent(s) for a period of 25 years from the date of purchase. 


Private Glade / Bay 

A Private Glade or Bay is an organic space within a woodland or meadowland setting. Subject to the area where the Private Glade or Bay is located it is possible to have multiple graves or this may be designated solely for ashes. 

All Private Glade or Bay Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of two coffins, one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. 

The minimum measurement of your Private Glade or Bay for burials, is 13ft x 8ft for two interments and 13ft x 13ft for four interments. 

The number of coffin or ashes burials that may take place in a Private Glade or Bay is subject to our prior approval. The first interment is included. Fees will apply for any subsequent burials in the Private Glade or Bay at the rates applicable at that time. A Memorial and or appropriate bench may be purchased to sit within your Glade or Bay, subject to prior approval and is required to adhere to Park guidelines. 

Plants or structures placed in a Private Glade or Bay must not exceed 5ft in height. We may remove or cut back any planting that exceeds this limit. Any Glade or Bay found to have broken this condition will have the item(s), or planting removed. 

The maintenance of any planted area on the grave is the responsibility of the owner of the burial rights. We reserve the right to remove any plants and to turf over any planted area that appears to be overgrown. Astro turf is not permitted within any GreenAcres Living Memorial Park. 

Any items made of glass are not permitted in a Private Glade or Bay. 


Child burial 

A Child’s Grave is a grave space in a designated area at the Park for the burial of children, meaning those under the age of 18. The graves are designed to have a memorial at one end leaving the remainder of the grave as a lawned area. 

All Children’s Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of one coffin. 

Each Child’s Grave is located in a row of other children’s graves in a designated area. When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. A child’s grave may be a full size or half size grave. 

A temporary grave marker will be provided by the funeral director. This remains in place while the ground settles, which usually takes around twelve months. After this a more permanent memorial can be erected. Any memorial erected on a Child Grave must comply with the following dimensions: a height of 20 inches, a width of 20 inches, and depth of 3 inches, with a foundation stone, that is no more than 20 inches in width and 30 inches in length. Woodland graves can be memorialised with a wooden post to the approved sizes. 

Interment and Scattering of Ashes
For each burial of ashes within the Three Oaks Memorial Area, a black granite memorial for one inscription with gold lettering will be placed, no other memorial markers are permitted. The memorial plaque price includes a vase holder, for fresh flowers, with engraving for 50 characters. 

Communal Scattering Areas – A plaque may be purchased for an additional fee. Details of this fee are available upon request. 

Log Scattering Areas – A simple wooden log will be provided by us. A plaque may be purchased for an additional fee, details of which are available upon request. 



Eternal Gardens is a dedicated Muslim cemetery. Only those persons who died a Muslim can be buried in the formal Muslim area. 

No form of music, dancing or any other act which is deemed highly offensive to Muslim faith is permitted in the Eternal Gardens area of GreenAcres Kemnal Park. 


Burial options 

Each grave space is located in a row of other Muslim Graves in a formal Muslim area. On a burial the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. 


Muslim Grave 

A Muslim Grave is a grave space with a mounded surface area and a small area at the head end of the grave designated for the erection of an approved uniform tablet memorial which is provided free of charge. The surface of the grave is maintained as a mound and free from any obstructions or markings.  

After twelve months, the grave is dressed with grass seed which is provided free of charge. 

Muslim Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accept either one or two burials, dependent upon the type of grave purchased. This burial configuration of the duo grave is in keeping with the official Fatwa. 


Private Garden for Shrouded Burial 

A Private Garden is a space enclosed within a gated hedge where it is possible to have up to two graves and a bespoke landscaped area. 

All Private Garden Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accept the burial of (two) shrouded burials. Each Private Garden Grave space measures 13.5ft x 16ft and is in a row of other Private Garden Graves in a formal area. 

When a shrouded burial takes place, the chosen grave will have walls of undisturbed earth between it and any other grave within the Private Garden. 

The number of shrouded burials that may take place in a Private Garden grave is subject to the approval of the Company. Fees will apply for any burials in the Private Garden at the rates applicable at that time. 

Apart from an approved plaque, planting which is likely to exceed 4ft once fully grown and/or items made of glass are not permitted in the garden. We reserve the right to remove any planting that exceeds 4ft in height. After a period, once the ground has settled the grave will be laid with grass seed. 



At the head end of each burial plot, an area is provided for the erection of an approved uniform tablet memorial which is provided free of charge. For the avoidance of doubt this is not permitted to include Qur’anic inscriptions. The remaining space over the grave is maintained as a mound and no additional mounding, edging, memorial or other items are permitted on it or allowed to interfere with it. 

Apart from an approved memorial, no form of edging, kerbing, fencing, planting, or any items which are offensive to the Muslim faith is permitted on a Muslim Grave. 



Coffins and caskets 

Generally, all bio-degradable coffins are acceptable. Metal urns and metal coffins are not permitted. 



We reserve the right to remove any item that we consider unsuitable, unstable, or dilapidated from any grave or memorial without notice. No compensation of any sort will be payable by the Company for such removal or disposal.  

No more than one marker is permitted per plot. Other than a wooden memorial and vase nothing is permitted to mark or artificially decorate the grave and surrounding area, with the exception of designated areas as agreed by us. 

Any measures that inhibit natural regeneration, such as clearing the area around the plot, are forbidden. 

No markers, memorials, tombstones, seats or otherwise (whether temporary or permanent) may be erected or placed within the Park and no carving or marking on any memorial is permitted without the prior consent of the Company. Crosses provided by funeral directors are temporarily permitted. 

No markers or memorials are permitted with the scattering of ashes. 

You can purchase a standard memorial or marker to identify your plot from the Company or you may purchase a bespoke memorial or marker from a third-party company. All bespoke memorials are subject to our prior approval and, for health and safety reasons you will need to purchase a memorial placing permit. This will incur an additional charge. 

All memorials must be made out of wood and meet the park standards both in size and wood treatment used; tropical hardwood, redwood, varnish, gloss or stain should not be used. 

Memorials must not exceed for a full burial a height of 450mm, a width of 400mm, and a depth of 200mm and for an ash interment or Children’s Burial a height of 300mm, a width of 200mm, and a depth of 200mm. 

The memorial design should also allow for at least 300mm below ground to ensure stability and safety. 


Burial options 

Private Garden and Private Glade / Bay 

A Private Garden or Glade or Bay is an organic space within a woodland or meadowland setting. Subject to the area where the Private Garden or Glade or Bay is located it is possible to have multiple graves or this may be designated solely for ashes. 

All Private Garden or Glade or Bay Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of two coffins, one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. 

The minimum measurement of your Private Glade or Bay for burials, is 13ft x 8ft for two interments and 13ft x 13ft for four interments. 

The number of coffin or ashes burials that may take place in a Private Garden or Glade or Bay is subject to our prior approval. The first interment is included. Fees will apply for any subsequent burials in the Private Garden or Glade or Bay at the rates applicable at that time. 

No memorial may be erected, or alteration made to an existing memorial, without the written consent of the registered owner of the exclusive burial rights. 

A small wooden planter/trough may be placed in a Private Garden, Glade and Bay. Plants and shrubs must be small, native and not self-seeding. Plants when fully grown must not exceed 3ft in height. Any Garden, Glade or Bay found to have broken this condition will have the planting removed. 

The maintenance of any planted area on the grave is the responsibility of the owner of the exclusive burial rights. The Company reserves the right to remove any plants that appear to be overgrown. 


Living Memorial Tree 

A Living Memorial Tree grave is a sapling tree. 

A Living Memorial Tree is a detached separate grave for two burials or three sets of ashes. The first set of ashes is scattered under the root ball of the sapling tree and up to two further sets may be scattered around the tree at a subsequent date. 

For burial a Living Memorial Tree space measures 8.5ft x 2.5ft. The tree itself is planted 12 months after the first interment has taken place. 

For ashes a Living Memorial Tree space measures 2.5ft x 2.5ft  

Living Memorial Trees are located in a Woodland, Meadow, Orchard or Lawn setting. Included in the cost is a Living Memorial Tree and the first interment.  

Subsequent burials and scatterings will be charged at the rates prevailing at the time. 


Family Tree 

A Family Tree is an established tree in a distinct area of the Park. Each Family Tree has the potential for multiple graves for burial and ashes. 

Each Family Tree space measures 6.5ft by 2.5ft and is located in a woodland or meadowland setting. When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave.  

A single memorial post may be erected on each grave around a Family Tree.  

Included in the cost is a Family Tree, the first interment and the agreed number of plots. 

Subsequent interments will be charged at the rates prevailing at the time. 


Shared Tree (Woodland or Park Tree) 

A Shared Tree is a tree in the Park. Each Shared Tree has the potential for multiple graves for burial and ashes.  

Each Shared Tree space measures 6.5ft by 2.5ft and is located in a woodland or  

meadowland setting. When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. 

A single memorial post may be erected on each grave around a Shared Tree.  


Rose Garden 

A Rose Garden Grave comprises a grave for the burial of ashes and is located in the Rose Garden area(s). Each Rose Garden Grave space measures 1.5ft x 1.5ft and is designed to provide sufficient space for the burial of two sets of ashes and a memorial plaque (material subject to park). 


Mature Woodland Grave 

A Woodland Grave is a grave space where the surface area remains in a natural state and is maintained level and free from any obstructions or markings. 

All Woodland Graves are excavated to accommodate the burial of two coffins or one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes. 

Each Woodland Grave space measures 6.5ft x 2.5ft and is located in a woodland setting.  

When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. 

Only memorials provided or pre-approved by us may be erected. No other memorial may be erected or left on a woodland grave; the only  

exception is cut flowers or natural plants in keeping with the environment. Bespoke Memorials will be subject to a post permit fee and adherence to Park guidelines.  


Lawn Grave 

Some of our Parks offer a Lawn Grave. A Lawn Grave is a grave space where the surface area consists of mown grass, with a small area at the head end of the grave designated for the erection of our standard wooden memorial. The surface of the grave is maintained level and free from any obstructions or markings. All Lawn Graves are excavated sufficiently deeply to accommodate the burial of two coffins or one coffin and three sets of ashes or six sets of ashes.  

When a coffin is buried, the grave is excavated centrally within the grave space, leaving walls of undisturbed earth between each grave. 

The number of coffin or ashes burials that may take place in a Lawn Grave is subject to our prior approval. An interment fee will apply for each interment at the rates applicable at that time. 

We are responsible for the turfing and maintenance of Lawn Graves. At the head end of each grave space, an area for the erection of our standard wooden memorial is provided. The remaining space over the grave is maintained as grass lawn and no mounding, edging, memorial or other items are permitted on it or allowed to interfere with it. 


If you have any questions or would like to book a visit to one of our Parks please get in touch.

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